Thoughts of a Motion Designer after a year of freelancing.

It was around this time last year I started my first booking as a full time freelancer. Although I had previously juggled a few projects whilst also working in-house, I was super unsure of how this year would pan out. So here's a few thoughts that come to mind upon reflection...

1. Embrace the Learning Curve
Since the moment I took the leap into freelancing, I knew I wasn't going to have all the answers right away. I mean, the number of questions I bombarded other freelancers with while I was still working in agencies was wild (shoutout to everyone who patiently answered!). But that's the beauty of freelancing – it's a constant learning curve and everyone is on their own journey. Whether it's figuring out the ins and outs of running your own business, understanding financial stuff, or mastering the art of networking, there's always something new to tackle. And trust me, coming from an art background, diving into the business side of things felt like diving into the deep end at first. But asking questions and seeking guidance? Absolute game-changers for self-discovery and professional growth.

2. Taking Feedback in Your Stride
Learn to take feedback professionally, rather than personally. Viewing critiques as opportunities for growth rather than personal attacks sets the stage for significant progress. Remember to carve out time for personal projects alongside client work—it's your chance to reignite your creative spark and truly enjoy your craft. Let's face it, not all client work is fun or challenging, and that's perfectly okay. Whether feedback comes from clients or fellow creatives, embracing diverse perspectives enriches our creative journey.

3. Embrace the Journey
There's a stoic quote about remaining a student, and I live my life by it. That's the joy of life, and more so creative life—it’s ever evolving and there is always something new we can learn. Days you're feeling the dreaded creative block, sit and do a tutorial, sit and learn that new piece of software you've been thinking about…or get away from the screen and have some time outdoors (*note to self on that one). Enrich your mind and you'll see how the creative block fades. You'll also feel great for making the progression.

Finally, a quote to end with which I recently read.. “Do the best you can. Do it over again. Then still improve, even if ever so slightly those retouches.” It’s a beautiful irony: You’re never content with your progress and yet you're always content…because you're making progress.

So, if you've read this far, thank you. If you'd like to chat, collab, or discuss ideas or equally, your freelance experiences, id love to - drop me a message 🙂

Wishing you a rewarding and enriching year ahead.


The penny dropped.