The penny dropped.

This past week has felt like a breakthrough moment for me, a realisation that's been simmering beneath the surface for a while now. Let me unpack it because, although it might seem like a sudden epiphany, the pursuit of improvement and self-development is a constant thread in my thoughts. *this will come apparent the more of these reflections I share*

This past week, I made a decision: to start creating video content for my Instagram, nothing fancy, just raw, day-to-day snippets. Now, I know what you're thinking—everyone's doing it, so why is this such a big deal? Well, as someone who tends to shy away from the camera, this has been a loooong overdue challenge that I've been wrestling with for ages.

But with this epiphany, I've found myself romanticising my daily routines, celebrating the beauty of my slow and steady life. I adore my simple, slow-paced life, where consistency and routine reign supreme. Externally, it may seem serene and uncomplicated, but internally, my mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and daydreams. Nevertheless, I took the plunge, created my first video, and posted it. It wasn't my best work by any means, and I'm not suggesting you go to watch it *please don't*. But overcoming that initial hurdle shifted my mindset from overthinking to action, from paralysis to experimentation, and now, I immediately know of so many ways I will Improve the next one.

Suddenly, everything I do has taken on a new perspective. I find myself noticing and embracing my daily habits, what social media calls "the art of noticing." Realising that I can create, post, and then immediately realise ways to refine and improve upon it for the next (and yes, I know, I apply this principle to my art all the time, but this is a whole new dimension and avenue of expression. *Along with writing up my thoughts into these posts - which has also been a beautiful experience.*

As a full-time creative, most of my day is spent creating, and theoretically, I could be posting my work daily. However, client projects take priority. That's where this "day in the life, art of noticing" concept shines—it allows me to express myself creatively while simultaneously not overextending my to-do list.

If you've made it this far, let this be your key takeaway. "Now, not how." focus on taking action and continuously refining your efforts, rather than getting bogged down in endless planning and overthinking the outcomes.

#freelance #thoughts #motiondesigner #artist #reflections #creative


Joys of a Creative


Thoughts of a Motion Designer after a year of freelancing.